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Imposter Syndrome Evaluation
For each question, please write down the number that best indicates how true the statement is of you. It is best to give the first response that enters your mind rather than dwelling on each statement and thinking about it over and over.
1. I have often succeeded on a test or task even though I was afraid that I would not do well before I undertook the task.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
2. I can give the impression that I’m more competent than I really am.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
3. I avoid evaluations if possible and have a dread of others evaluating me.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
4. When people praise me for something I’ve accomplished, I’m afraid I won’t be
able to live up to their expectations of me in the future.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
5. I sometimes think I obtained my present position or gained my present success because I happened to be in the right place at the right time or knew the right people.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
6. I’m afraid people important to me may find out that I’m not as capable
as they think I am.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
7. I tend to remember the incidents in which I have not done my best more than
those times I have done my best.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
8. I rarely do a project or task as well as I’d like to do it.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
9. Sometimes I feel or believe that my success in my life or in my job has
been the result of some kind of error.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
10. It’s hard for me to accept compliments or praise about my
intelligence or accomplishments.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
11. At times, I feel my success has been due to some kind of luck.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
12. I’m disappointed at times in my present accomplishments and think I
should have accomplished more.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
13. Sometimes I’m afraid others will discover how much knowledge or ability I really lack.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
14. I’m often afraid that I may fail at a new assignment or undertaking even
though I generally do well at what I attempt.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
15. When I’ve succeeded at something and received recognition for my
accomplishments, I have doubts that I can keep repeating that success.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
16. If I receive a great deal of praise and recognition for something I’ve
accomplished, I tend to discount the importance of what I've done.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
17. I often compare my ability to those around me and think they may be
more intelligent than I am.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
18. I often worry about not succeeding with a project or examination, even though
others around me have considerable confidence that I will do well.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
19. If I’m going to receive a promotion or gain recognition of some kind, I hesitate to tell others until it is an accomplished fact.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
20. I feel bad and discouraged if I’m not “the best” or at least “very special” in situations that involve achievement.
1 (not true at all) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (very true)
Now Add Your Numbers Up
40 or less - you experience very little symptoms
41 - 60 - moderdate symptoms
61 - 80 - you frequently experience this syndrome
80+ - some serious symtpoms
But don't worry friend YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
I will be providing tools to conquer this on my IG.
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